Friday, January 8, 2016

Facebook Instant Articles Now Available for Android Users

Previously, iPhone owners were treated to Facebook’s Instant Articles feature, resulting in faster loading articles for readers. Now, the feature has been branched out to Android devices, meaning that you will finally be able to experience Facebook’s brand new feature on your smartphone or tablet powered by Google’s mobile platform. According to the company, the Instant Articles feature will load 10 times faster than standard articles, meaning that a lot more people are going to be able to read this content much faster. This will lead to more media consumption and shares for articles.

Facebook Instant Articles are Now on Android

It was expected that the Instant Articles feature was going to land in on Android devices, seeing as how the mobile platform has the highest market share, followed by iOS and then Windows. According to Facebook Instant Articles product manager Michael Reckhow:
This program is now on Android which really just completes the major mobile platforms that publishers want to reach around the world. With this scale, it’s going to be really exciting to see the engagement that publishers are getting.

Pros and Cons of Opting for Facebook Instant Articles

The primary reason why the social network platform rolled out this feature was so it could reduce the time for the content to be loaded properly. According to Facebook, the company also wanted to provide content publishers an option where it would host their articles in order to make them load faster, and also give them an option to either sell ads within the articles, or the ads themselves by giving publishers a cut of the earnings. However, publishers have been less than encouraged from using the feature because of complaints that Facebook placed restrictions on ad volume in Instant Articles, a move that potentially hinders their earnings.
Facebook has eased those restrictions slightly, meaning that it is showing more cooperation towards publishers currently. Regardless, publishers are going to go along with this since it will give them greater brand recognition and with the social network paying them for their efforts as well.